Leverage Generations of Middle-Market Experience at NCP

Crafting a succession plan is complex, highly personal, and for most businesses a once in a lifetime opportunity. NCP’s decades of experience provide assurance and confidence in this process by serving as your partner and guide. NCP assembles a dedicated team whose top priority is to maximize value for owners and navigate the intricacies of the sale process. You’ve spent a generation or more to build your business, and NCP is committed to finding a path and successor whose valuation, structure, and commitment to your legacy reflect the work and dedication you put into it.

  • University of Iowa Health Care & Mission + Cancer

    Sell-Side Advisor

  • Pritchard & Harrison Ford of Clear Lake

    Sell-Side Advisor

  • Logos of Rasmussen Group, Ideal Ready Mix and L&W Quarries

    Rasmussen Group & Johnson Holding Company: Ideal Ready Mix & L&W Quarries

    Sell-Side Advisor

  • John Deere & GUSS

    Sell-Side Advisor

  • Cablevey & May River Capital

    Sell-Side Advisor

  • Eastern Communications Ltd & RACOM

    Sell-Side Advisor

  • CJM Financial & First Bank & Trust

    Sell-Side Advisor

  • John Deere & SurePoint

    Sell-Side Advisor